So I know I said I would be better about posting, and apparently I lied! For any of you Dane Cook Fan's..."I DID MY BEST....I did my best" (If you are not a Dane Cook fan you tube it).
A quick run down of our holidays.
Way way too many presents for our kids. London laughed, Holden terrorized, and Greysen and Harper ate and slept.
and New Years Eve? Well that is a-whole-nother story, best saved for another day when I have time to type more. Maybe 10 years from now?
A quick run down of our holidays.
Way way too many presents for our kids. London laughed, Holden terrorized, and Greysen and Harper ate and slept.
and New Years Eve? Well that is a-whole-nother story, best saved for another day when I have time to type more. Maybe 10 years from now?
The girls are getting so stinking big! And have really started sleeping at night (6-7 hour stretches). Now if I could just get them to start going to bed before 1AM I would be golden!
Some pictures they look NOTHING alike.
And then
Some pictures they look EXACTLY alike.
Harper on the left and Greysen on the right in both pictures.
But then again, Holden looks like Mario sometimes.
(Holden with our friend Jacob)
and London oddly resembles an attitude filled teenager.
This is the face he makes ANYTIME you try to take his picture these days.
I promise he is not always disgruntled though.
His school picture from this year.
Happy New Years to all of you!